Colony survival game pc
Colony survival game pc

colony survival game pc

Herbs and medicine suddenly become an important research goal because almost everyone is limping around, unhappy, which is slowing everything down. It's not all smooth sailing: a few of my settlers have injured themselves in the course of the workday, and I was struck by lightning, right in the damn head, during a rainstorm. I was struck by lightning, right in the damn head, during a rainstorm. It's a pretty good system: I can run around collecting all the resources floating by and building docks and bridges without getting swamped with other chores. I've assigned someone else to cook meals for everyone, and another carrying stuff around and stacking it in storage.

colony survival game pc

I've got another settler on seed duty so I can have my little farms growing fresh food without my needing to supervise them. One guy is building up my steel and glass resources, first by scuba diving to the seafloor to gather ore and sand, and then feeding it into my forge and hammering it into shape. Pretty soon I've got five settlers living on my sprawling dock and I'm making them do all the stuff I'm not interested in.

Colony survival game pc